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Notas de prensa sobre Meusburger

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Optimal materials for machining

23.07.2019, Fabricación de herramentales

From 16 –21 September EMO, the trade fair for metalworking, will open its doors in Hannover. Meusburger will be present again this year in Hall 5 at Stand E23. Visitors will be shown the extensive selection of materials as well as standard elements specially for jigs and fixtures construction.

The biggest selection of materials

The selection of the material plays a central role in achieving an optimal result in machining. That is why Meusburger offers an extensive range of heat-treated for stress relief steels – from tool steel and steel for quenching and tempering, right up to case hardened and structural steels. A total of 30 different material grades are available from stock as standard plates and standard bars and can be delivered in Germany/Austria/Switzerland within 24 hours. In addition, Meusburger provides special plates in customised dimensions and variations.

Manufacturing technologies at Meusburger

Meusburger offers a variety of manufacturing technologies like flame cutting, sawing, deep hole drilling, milling, grinding and turning. The web shop enables quick and easy calculation and design. Through the already finished flame cuts and milling operations, customers can save their resources and concentrate on their own core competences. At the EMO, visitors have the opportunity to have a close look at samples from the different manufacturing technologies.

EMO trade fair highlights

The Meusburger experts at the trade fair stand will inform the visitors about the different material grades and their variations. Meusburger will also show a wide range of standard elements for optimum clamping of workpieces, such as operating elements, clamping elements and jig elements. The digital wizards as well as the web shop can be tried out at the info terminals. In addition to their online presence, Meusburger offers the clearly arranged print catalogue 'Machine and jig construction 2019/2020', which contains the entire standard parts range of plates and bars as well as the standard elements for machine and jig construction.

The Meusburger team is looking forward to seeing you at the EMO in Hall 5 at Stand E 23.

Optimal materials for machining

The Meusburger stand – always worth a visit

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Press contact

Should you require further information on this press release or have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us by email.

Lia Klimmer
Head of Department Communications

+43 5574 6706-1516

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