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Na nossa gama selecionada, pode encontrar o material adequado para praticamente qualquer aplicação.

CF-H25S+ Hard metal

US Industry:C11/C12


Chemical composition (%):
Co:  8.5
Other:  1.2



Physical and mechanical characteristics:
Average WC grit size:very fine to fine
Density (ISO 3369): 14.55 g/cm³
Hardness (ISO 3878):  1680 HV10
Flexural strength (ISO 3327): 3600 MPa
Compressive strength: 6500 MPa
Elastic modulus: 592 GPa
Fracture toughness: 10.3 MPa m½
Thermal conductivity at 100 °C: 90 W/mK
Coefficient of thermal expansion (20-400 °C): 5.1 10−6/K
Corrosion resistance:Yes



Very fine/fine grain grade with good edge stability despite high hardness


Cutting punches and dies for abrasive materials and materials prone to welding

Treatment by:

Highly suitable:


EDM, coating, laser cutting


Typical microstructure view:

Para a visão geral do fabrico de moldes To the die making overview

Available in the web shop as:
Data sheet CF-H25S+

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Brochura de materiais
Brochura de materiais

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Poster de materiais
Poster de materiais

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