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From an idea to a finished Frisbee

Опубликован в: 11.10.2018

Last year, in their sixth semester at the OTH Amberg-Weiden, the plastics engineering students Maximilian Marburger, Thomas Mayer and Marcus Kraus had to complete their project work. It was clear to them from the beginning that they wanted to do something practical. Their idea was to design and build a functional injection mould for the production of frisbees as a give-away for visitors to the university.

The three prospective engineers started with the item design which was tested in detailed mould flow simulations. They developed the frisbee disc in such a way that it could be produced on the ARBURG injection moulding machine in the plastics technology laboratory. Supported by Professor Dr. Tim Jüntgen and laboratory engineer Josefa Lobinger, the three students opted for a 3-plate mould with a stripper plate and injection from the back side.

With the submission of the design work, the theoretical part of the project was concluded for the team and they were able to start with the implementation.

Maximilian Marburger took care of the production together with Zechmayer GmbH which is the company where he completed his training as a toolmaker in the field of mould making technology. Through his training company, which supported him and his fellow students with their project, he made contact with a Meusburger field sales representative. The team received the standard components for the self-designed mould base from this connection. The hot runner nozzle for this project was sponsored by PSG.

In October last year, the first samples were produced at the East Bavarian Technical University Amberg-Weiden.

We are very pleased that we were able to support students with this project. After all, they are important for the further development of the industry.

From left to right: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tim Jüntgen, Marcus Kraus, Thomas Mayer, Maximilian Marburger, Reiner Philbert (Meusburger)


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